Sports Tech Funding Climbs In North America
March 28, 2019
Funding for sports technology ventures in the USA jumped by 34.5% in 2018 over the previous year, according to the new North American Sportstech Report compiled by SportsTechX.
The size of the average deal rose to a record high of $8.75 million last year.
Only two years ago, content was the hottest investment area. Now wearables and equipment, followed by esports, are attracting the most investment.
As the video below shows, New York City, not Silicon Valley, is the deal-making hub of the sector.
SportsTechX is the top source for data and insights about sports tech start-ups and the surrounding ecosystem. Founder Benjamin Penkert and his team has mapped the world and they help people and organisations navigate through it with authoritative publications, podcast shows and speaking gigs.
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