Overwhelming Public Support for £260m Anfield Regeneration
September 5, 2013
Over 80% of residents and workers in the Anfield area of Liverpool have backed the £260m ($405.3m) regeneration programme according to a survey.
Around 1, advice 700 people living and working in the area were asked for their opinion on proposals which included new housing, a business centre and the expansion of Liverpool Football Club’s Anfield stadium.
Liverpool FC, the City Council and housing providers created a consortium and drew up plans to create 250 new homes and an avenue through Stanley Park with a public square at the end.
Mayor Joe Anderson said: “People have given us invaluable information about the entire range of regeneration ideas and concepts which we unveiled.
“In the coming weeks we will use this information to refine our proposals and to undertake another listening and consultation exercise.
“We believe the plans are exciting and will deliver a massive improvement in quality of life for many thousands of people and be of major benefit to the city, not just Anfield.”
Liverpool FC have spoken about expanding the 45,522-seater Anfield stadium for years and have also explored the possibility of building a new stadium on Stanley Park.
The feedback from residents will now be considered in the future planning stages of the redevelopment.