Ooyala: Keep Your Eyes on Mobile

February 10, 2017

Mobile continues to grow worldwide as consumers’ screen of choice, according to Ooyala’s new State of the Broadcast Industry 2017 Survey. The growth of mobile consumption has been spurred by greater video content availability, tablet, smartphone and connected app penetration, and faster connections.

More than 52% of all video views the 3rd quarter of last year were on mobile devices, according to Ooyala. Since 2013, mobile video views have increased more than 233%, outpacing the growing penetration rate of mobile devices globally as viewers spend more time watching video on the small screen.

The average consumer worldwide is watching four more hours of mobile video every week than they did four years ago, according to data from the Ericsson Consumer Lab. Meanwhile, their traditional V viewing time is down by 2.5 hours a week, so overall they’re watching 1.5 hours more video weekly.

Ooyala’s tip for 2017 is to look for continued consumer willingness to watch longer content on mobile screens (whether they’re in or out of  the home), and for content companies – including telcos  like Verizon and Korea’s LG Uplus – to run lockstep with them by providing more premium mobile video content  of all lengths.


TV habits are not only shifting more towards other screens but other times as well. Consumers, particularly younger ones, are continuing to ­move from live and scheduled-linear TV and are becoming more used to time-shifted TV, a hallmark of the OTT video-on-demand experience.

In a recent NBCUniversal study, 67% of respondents noted that they no longer needed to watch shows when they ­first air, and are taking longer to do so these days.

SVOD penetration is about to overtake DVR penetration in the U.S., untethering audiences further from linear TV. These behavioral changes are happening everywhere. Asia-Paci­c audiences now watch nearly as much online video as linear TV daily, spurred by on-demand options. These new viewing patterns are bound to impact how content companies create, promote, license and monetize their content going forward.

You can view the full Ooyala State of the Broadcast Industry Report here.
