One day to go until Media & Communications Masterclass

August 23, 2016

The Media & Communications Masterclass is just one day and the excitement is building for what should be a fantastic event.

The Masterclass will take place at Fieldfisher’s offices in London on the morning of Thursday 1st September.

A fantastic line-up includes representatives from UEFA, vcialis 40mg European Tour, generic Bayern Munich and more.

See the full line-up below:

The Masterclass will be divided into 3 sections, cheap focusing on key topics for the Media & Communications industry, which are:

– Global Sports Media and Communications,

– The evolving sporting media landscape

– Challenges facing Communications teams at the elite level of European football.

This is the second Media and Communications Masterclass following a highly successful event last year, which featured a number of experts from federations, organisations, brands and sports teams.

The Masterclass will once again be held in partnership with Adrian Bevington Sports & PR Limited (@ABevington11).

Attendees from last year include


The discussions at iSportconnect events are held without the press, and under Chatham House Rule, allowing for an open and free flowing debate.

Masterclass events are sector specific and identify important emerging trends and developments within specialised subjects.

Invitation Policy: The Media and Communications Masterclass is an exclusive invitation-only event for senior sports media executives and other similar positions at governing bodies, federations, teams/clubs and brands only.

To register your interest please e-mail:

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