Futurologist: “Sport Will Need The Internet Of Things”
May 31, 2019
If you do not have an esport strategy, an AI utilisation methodology or an innovation plan that takes the best from the Internet of Things, then you have a lot of work to do, according to Andy Miah, Professor in Science Communication and Future Media, University of Salford, Manchester.
In his keynote speech at THE SPOT in Lausanne this week, Professor Miah said: “The last 40 years of sports science and engineering have led sports to become symbols of humanity’s vast investment into technological development and have emphasised the centrality of technological achievements to competitive ambitions across our modern world.”
“The aspiration to transcend and to break free from humanity’s limitations or, at least, to discover a new way of making sense of and experiencing the world are central to the ethos of international sports.”
“Sport is among the most remarkable manifestations of these disruptions, but to make sense of them, we have to think more broadly of the concept of technology.”
You can read all of what he has to say here.