
FEI Signs JustWorld International As Charity Partner

June 12, 2019

The Fédération Equestre Internationale (FEI) has named JustWorld International as its ‘Official Charity Partner.’

The non-profit organisation will work with FEI to promote their activities and work closely on development and fundraising for the JustWorld International charity programmes.

FEI President Ingmar De Vos said said: “Our organisations have a very strong connection, sharing the same values of promoting equestrian sport and encouraging its development among the youth. Through our Solidarity Programme ‘Sport for All’ we help children from public schools and from socially disadvantaged environments to have access to riding activities. The partnership with JustWorld International will allow us together to provide incredible benefits to disadvantaged children around the world.”

President Jessica Newman said: “This has been a goal for JustWorld. We believe that working together with the FEI and having their official support will have a remarkable impact and further enhance our charity programmes.”

